Blurring Techniques - Part 1

10 min read

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tatasz's avatar
Some methods to add cool blurs to your fractal, requested by BoxTail and written in collaboration with him :hug:
The parameters are for learning purpose only. Please tweak a lot and credit back.

Part of Structured IFS tutorial collection.

Structured IFS tutorial collection:hug: well, as usual, i need your help with this bunch of tutorials.
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If you wrote / want to write cool tutorials about structured IFS, poke me, i´ll add it to the collection.I need feedback :noes: Is anything too crappily written? Is it messy / unclear? Do tell!
Update Log:
2016 / 04 / 06 - Advanced Linear Tilings added
2016 / 03 / 20 - 2 new tutorials: Glynnsim and more on hypertiles.
2016 / 03 / 08 - 2 new Tutorials, and a bit of organization =)
2016 / 02 / 23 - Second blur tutorial added2015 / 11 / 23 - 3 tutorials added to list =)
Xaos Basics
Linked Transforms
Shared linked transformsShared linked transforms - Examples

Starting Parameters

As example, we will use basic elliptic splits parameters. Lets make it:

  1. Start with a blank flame
  2. On transform 1, replace linear with elliptic = 1
  3. Rotate it 90 degrees CCW
  4. Scale transform 1 down by 150%
  5. Add a new transform
  6. On transform 2, replace linear with splits = 1
  7. Set splits_x variable to 1
  8. Rotate transform 2 90 CCW
  9. Scale transform 2 up by 200%
Or just grab the parameters here: Starting Parameters: Elliptic Splits

01 by tatasz

Trick 1. Falloff2 / falloff3

Falloff2 and falloff3 create amazing blur effects. For best results, add either the pre version (pre_falloff2 for example), or on a pre_linked transform. Post and post_linked are not recommended, as they may mess up the shapes.

Like this, for example: Elliptic Splits with Falloff2

02 by tatasz

Basically, falloff plugins blur the sides, but leave the center not blurred.

As it has many variables, lets go through some examples. As usual, those are not all options, just some directions for experimentation.

Left, type = 0 and right, type = 1
03type0 by tatasz 03type1 by tatasz

Left, mul_x = 1 and mul_y =0, and right, the opposite.
03mc1 by tatasz 03mc0 by tatasz

Example by BoxTail - click to see the parameters:
Es Pinkie Steel by BoxTail

And, just for fun, 2 examples of falloff blurring from my gallery:
Starfall by tatasz The End by tatasz

Trick 2. Other blurs

Instead using falloff, you can use other blurs too. Or even combine different variations in one pre_linked transform.

Left, blur_linear and right, blur_zoom.
04blur Linear by tatasz 04blur Zoom by tatasz

Left, radial blur and right, qwave.
04radial Blur by tatasz 04qwave by tatasz

Example by BoxTail - click to see the parameters:
Es Crops by BoxTail

From my gallery:
Evolution by tatasz Elliptic Splits Chaotica Param Pack by tatasz

Trick 3. Add small amount of blur to existing transforms

Instead of doing all this xaos, just add a small amount of blur (like 0.0001 - 0.1) to either elliptic or splits transform. Or to both =D

Left, 0.01 radial blur added to elliptic trasnform, and right, 0.05 sineblur added to splits transform:
05 Radial by tatasz 06 Sine by tatasz

This one is only possible in Chaotica. Here, I added two instances of rays (one with 0.1 and one with -0.1) to splits iterator - two instances are needed to make the blurring symmetrical.
05 Rays by tatasz

Example by BoxTail - click to see the parameters:
Bridge between worlds by BoxTail

From my gallery:
Out of the blue by tatasz Blue by tatasz

Trick 4. Spherical + pre_blur + spherical

Using pre_blur in a combo with sphericals allows to achieve a falloff sort of effect.

Starting with basic parameters, lets:
  1. add a pre linked transform to splits
  2. on this transform, replace linear with spherical
  3. add a linked transform to this new transform
  4. again, replace linear with spherical - this should make you fractal look like the starting params
  5. add a bit of pre_blur to the second spherical
And you should get something like this: Spherical + pre_blur + spherical. On the image below, I used 0.1 pre_blur:
04 Preblur by tatasz

The first spherical is optional, it just cancels the changes added by the second spherical.

As a side note, this technique imho works best on bubbles / hemispheres. For example, an elliptic splits with a hole filled with hemisphere (and blurred using this technique):
04 Bubble Blur by tatasz

Examples by BoxTail - click to see the parameters:
Es Blue Storm by BoxTail
Es Growth by BoxTail Es Elegants Red by BoxTail

Also, I used this trick in two works below to blur the hemispheres:
Cyrill by tatasz Family by tatasz

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